Billion Dollar Civil Case

Last updated 3/17/24. On all pages, posts and images on this site, when I reference Twitter, which is now called “X”, I will be calling it Twitter as that is the history it is set in (and it was owned by Jack Dorsey at the time).

Twitter provides the racketeering service of fraud to Krystal and the cult Grace Chapel: Twitter (like Bing, shown next), assisted Krystal, Rick, Steve and Alex in pretending to make Krystal appear deceased as they provided that racketeering service to Grace Chapel , Twitter providing a false front (a racketeering service provided by them for Krystal and the cult Grace Chapel) over her Twitter account as if Krystal the cult liar was deceased and never spoke bullshit (the cult GC and Krystal, like all their “age reversing” projections, with a late 2008 photo as if current), where with plotted non cult victims, Krystal their cult actress, Twitter would shut up your pleas to not be murdered (when there were stupid and FYI all adult tweets from that weapon’s testing account, they had to say something to prove something was there for their weapon’s partner, Twitter, to show their level of participation being at a minimum, to cover up tweets. And here linked is that same Twitter krystalmeyers account now, still saying no tweets, where they also have their intentional fraud Twitter account called krystalmeyer to show how easily Twitter can dupe people into believing a fraud site is the real one after, via Twitter’s racketeering, lying to say the real one never had tweets (Krystal a full participant in her and Twitter’s and her cult’s racketeering).

As per the WayBack Machine where only one archive was ever made of that and that was on Oct 27, 2018, and you know none others will ever be made to show how long it all went on, and if you remove “lang=en” from the URL, it per the WayBack Machine, goes back to the account Twitter says never tweeted. So, without screen recordings of mine all they have to say is and must have been a glitch that one day and the day, then say there is nothing else that can be proved. But I do have the proof in screen recordings and all you can see.

As far as the “lang=en” Twitter accout that Krystal and her dad and her cult made, it was not in the WayBack Machine, so I put it there for my proof against them. I archied it for that proof. What they were trying to do was to say that she had an account that never Tweeted but by me acrching that same account but with “lang=en” which does not make it a different account, I prove that she did tweet from her former account. They desiged theor plot to make it appear as if adding “lang=en” made it a different account when it did not and the WayBack Machine was made to obey that lie and to make it appear like a whole diffecet account when it is the same fucking account.

This case was made 10 years before Elon musk bought Twitter. And now that Elon Musk says, and the key word is “says”, that he is going to get rid of old unused accounts not used in years, Krystal Meyers’ account obviously should disappear from the Internet and only be as proof against her and her father and their cult, per the WayBack Machine and my screen recordings of my case that unfortunately I can’t put on YouTube as they caved to a bullshit court order from bought Franklin TN judges, that was all total bullshit and of racketeering. So, I am banned from YouTube, blackballed from YouTube for them caving on the truth. I’d love to show you my proof of screen recordings, but the racketeers of Franklin TN will not allow it, them and their caving YouTube.

So, if Elon Musk does in fact do as he says I will have to remove the live links from Krystal’s Twitter accounts and only rely on the links to the WayBack Machine for my public per this site, case against them. And I think it is a step in the right direction for Elon Musk to do that and wipe out all very old accounts that have not been used in years, especially when the cult Grace Chapels weapon is made to unfold over years and years (YouTube should do the same). That would also put the cult Grace Chapel between a rock and a hard place as then they can’t say the Meyers name was taken, when in fact they made both the Meyers and Meyer accounts both of which will be removed for lack of use by Elon Musk and good for that at least if he does what he says he will do, her old Twitter accounts will cease to exist.

You ask since Krystal is demoing an erasure of people to show their abilities would not something like Elon Musk is doing make the final blow to innocent people who were kidnapped by the cult Grace Chapel’s weapon of alias and lies as Krystal was their willing demo girl and woman in that? Yes, it is possible that that type thing could be used as a final erasing point for what good people actually tweeted but like I how I show you, in the cult Grace Chapels’ weapon, they and she used racketeering to make it appear like she did not tweet. So my final decision is that Elon Musk should be required to link to archives of former accounts and to archive them before he removes them if they are not archived with a current archive (and “lang=en” etc, versions need to be archived too as the fucking WayBack Machine pretends to think they are different accounts). That way no one can be completely erased for Twitter’s part. And if Elon Musk thought about that simple thing he’d agree, or he could open up a mountain of aiding in murder or aiding in the cover up of murders, cases, against him one day. So, a necessary thing he needs to do before removing accounts. And the whole Internet accounts industry should have to do the same.

How that is done will require thought of mine that I am not going to give away. If you want the answer, then pay me for it, you rich with no complete and thought out real good ideas. I’ll give you that answer for only 100 grand.

At the time of the creation of all the frauds on Twitter that were made by Rick Meyers, Steve Berger and his cult Grace Chapel in Franklin TN and Krystal Hawkins, Twitter was owned by Jack Dorcy.

Krystal also went by a “Meyer” (@krystalmeyer) not only her “Meyers” (@KrystalMeyers) Twitter account, both made by her and her father Rick and their cult, to appear as if she was dead and with her @krystalmeyers shit account covered up then, as too appear as if @krystalmeyer started talking as if her to demo her and GC weapon via Twitter’s assistance to take over Twitter accounts by making new ones for non-cult but kidnapped people, demoed by that cult and Krystal. All the writing for those were by Krystal, Rick Meyers and Steve Berger. Not a word is written by them without cult plotting in how to phrase every word (and what alias to use also when they used them). Her YouTube Vevo account is made to appear as if hijacked by her favoriting music that she said she disliked (per her script) and not favoriting what she said she did like, made as if from Wikipedia content about her. So the Twitter assistance demo shows what the cult Grace Chapel’s Internet fraud weapon would do to accounts they can’t hijack, being to just cover up the old and make a new one for kidnappers to write as if they are their non cult victims that way (Krystal their cult actress, no victim).

Bing provided racketeering service of fraud to Krystal and the cult Grace Chapel (for a year and a half). The cult Grace Chapel (and Krystal) involved my name and birthdate in aspects of their vast frauds, when the totality of their frauds makes one Internet weapon demo, their racketeering is a civil case word as their frauds would provide me treble damages from all their racketeering partners, as I am the only victim of their demo.

How fraud title looked in Bing after non e-sword domain was pointed to Rick’s site, fraudulently titled at search engine level (Krystal in on it), and how it would have looked otherwise without Bing changing the title at search engine level needs to be seen in conjunction with this screen recording (of screen recordings showing Rick’s e-Sword favicon proving it was his site showing in Bing, falsely titled at search engine level, being pointed to by Krystal’s domain (with her approval their conspirator) and see Wayback Machine proof Bing changed title at search engine level to go with screen recordings and screenshots of that: Move forward in the Wayback Machine, starting here. It begins with Krystal’s domain pointed to Rick’s site (with her approval as their co-conspirator) as you see Rick Meyers’ e-Sword favicon in your browsers’ tab proving it is Rick’s e-Sword site under the Krystal Meyers’ domain (with her permission but you’re not supposed to know that per their demo). Then it changes to show Krystal’s favicon as you move forward to the next date. That favicon shows because they and Krystal uploaded a copy of Rick’s site to a folder in Krystal Meyers’ web publishing space and they pointed that non www. domain to a copy of his site they published to her web space and Rick (and Krystal) manually archived it via the Wayback Machine.

Another racketeering service provided them. Then they pointed the domain back to Rick’s e-Sword site and that is where it stayed 99.999% of the time. The other pointing of that domain was only done to get the copy of Rick’s site that they (and Krystal) put in Krystal’s web space in the Wayback Machine under that domain, periodically.A small cult player called Big Shiny Planet (but with an easy to see wicked agenda), provided blatant fraud for the cult Grace Chapel (and Krystal) to make her appear 5 years younger than she is (that cult Grace Chapel and Krystal plotted age reversing falsehood to make her appear to have been 15 when they made up their sex tape story [as I prove they are the only ones to have been able to write that twisted pedophile minded shit], that 5 years younger plotted age fraud of the cult Grace Chapel proven below in this paragraph, that fraud fitting their and her same mo of her website that says “new album in stores now”,when it said that in 2008, that photo of her (the liar) obviously also from 2008, when that plotted named album came out (that reasons explained on this page numerous times), as they are trying to give the fraud impression that her at 20 years old in late 2008, is what her wretched ass looks like now so they can by that fraud projection again make her appear to have been a kid in 2008 and 2009. Her video was on i-Tunes and it came out Sep 5, 2008 but the cult Grace Chapel, including Krystal, removed it and left only her kiddy videos, fitting Bing’s presentation [shown below in this paragraph], fitting the cult Grace Chapel’s June 6, 2006 photo of her on Wikipedia the cult Grace Chapel pedophile minded freaks want you to think is relatively current, published by Rick Meyers in 2006, him “cross-dressing” as Ellie909 and 1 not meaning won [with his Thousand Year War Ellie909 contrib of his fitting their play like they were against her fitting play war on her photo], with 2006 photo showing in Yahoo undated as if current (all birthdate info in search engines, regarding the shit Krystal, propagated from Wikipedia, who by racketeering discounted it. So in the cult Grace Chapel’s actual Internet fraud weapon against non cult people, that birthdate info would not be reflected on search engine pages . That info came from Wikipedia and they are only manually keeping it there), fitting Wikipedia editors removing her birthdate, as they did, by an obvious fraud, fitting how she and her cult have her appear as a kid from Bing search page (screenshot), and primarily shows as a kid in Bing and Google; and she is the only physically living person on Wikipedia who is not a kid that has a kid photo of themself, out of 609,556 people or so): The age fraud of the cult Grace Chapel’s (and Krystal’s) Big Shiny Planet uploads(On Jun 27,2013, when video uploaded, on Jun 27, 2013, when Krystal was really 24 she says she is 19 as filming occurred in late 2007, when she was 19. But their lie of her 19 in Jun of 2013 would have made her 15 on Aug 19, 2008 (when she was really 20. And, Krystal Meyers is now 35 and she was born on July 31, 1988 and turned 35 on July 31, 2023 and she goes by Krystal Hawkins since 2009. Same person). See Big Shiny Planet section (most also directly below) for the rest of my documentation, proving their Big Shiny Planet uploads were published as two uploads to fabricate a 5 years younger age by them than was true, the first upload delayed years from 2007 filming, it published on Jun 30, 2010, but it cuts off right before she says her age, but you don’t find that out till 3 years later with their Jun 27,2013 upload, and that one says her age (what her age was in 2007, published on June 27, 2013), but if you start the 2nd video, uploaded by them on Jun 27, 2013, if you start it when the first one ended you miss her saying her age, per her script, said by her in 2007 (they cut off 4.5 seconds from the beginning of their 2nd upload) so they and she can make it appear from the perspective of their first upload as if she never said her age. The cult Grace Chapel [including Krystal] and Big Shiny Planet are obviously a bunch of pedophiles. And that since it takes knowing Krystal’s actual birthdate of July 31, 1988 to prove their fraud and precisely, and that they frauded an age projection and that they are the only ones who could have fabricated a sex tape story with a so called Disney host of Jeremy Shum (only the Cult Grace Chapel and Krystal and their Big Shiny Planet partners knew in 2008 what scripture she quoted in 2007 to go with their Aug 19, 2008 sex tape story, as they did not release that first 2007 filmed Big Shiny Planet upload referencing her scripted “caught in adultery” scripture till Jun 30, 2010 (more on that below, proving Big Shiny Planet filming done in 2007), if Jeremy Shum even exists, I don’t know, and Krystal Meyers is now 35 and she was born on July 31, 1988 and turned 35 on July 31, 2023 and she goes by Krystal Hawkins since 2009. Same person). The cult Grace Chapel (including Krystal) is the only logical source to have removed their co-conspirator Krystal’s birthdate from Wikipedia.In addition to go with Krystal and her cult’s Big Shiny Planet obvious deliberate age reversing presentation, documented above, this linked titletrakk page archived on Oct 31, 2008, shows a 2008 copyright date, at the bottom of the page. And that page in 2o18, via a racketeering service provided to the cult Grace Chapel and Krystal, it says 2012 for its copyright date, at the bottom of the page. Obvious deliberate fraud by racketeering fitting their Big Shiny Plant age reversion frauds. Like dark flow (sucks up whole galaxies pulling them to an alternate course), the overall trends among the slices of this case exhibit remarkable agreement, too much to not know that they are plotted, time and time again, in an overall scheme, to demo future plotted actions of evil per Internet racketeering based frauds, that may already be underway against their true targets in a subtle way (not their audacious testing phase). Since it’s all designed to go unnoticed and be hidden, without close examination, if no one but myself is examining their testing phase, who would know if their real finalized subtle Internet frauds to provide covers for many evils are currently in use or not? They most certainly eventually will be if I’m not funded to out them and take down their creators and racketeers.If their creation is not stopped, over time, not only people assumed to not have disappeared by the most vague reasonings possible, those reasonings would then gradually disappear by the lack of later observers to the point of there being no need for the former vague reasonings, thus with no future explanations as there would be no observers (all monitored so that time would be known, since its the Internet), their abilities which begin by no sound reasoning being accepted by the people as if real, would send the whole word into a vastly different reality; a controlled world by evil people in racketeering enterprises pulling the strings in a vast array of realms, not limited to covered up kidnapping and murders.VE + A + VR + T – O – VE = 0E+a (Vague Evidence + Acceptance via Vague Reasoning + Time – Observer – Vague Evidence = zero Explanation being adequate) is a formula way to describe their psychologically based methodology of presentation and how its perceived to then be ignored by the passage of time.So the cult Grace Chapel commissioned their racketeering Big Shiny Planet partners and their titletrakk partners to produce racketeering frauds, which also continues to prove racketeering of them with Bing and by the above proof also; all to a civil case standard, which is my chosen testimony planned “vehicle”, I also proved the cult Grace Chapel fabricated their sex tape story. And when you take into consideration that their fraud Internet weapon can give coves for missing (non cult) people, that’s very disturbing. They are saying some of them would be kids for wretched pedophilesWikipedia provided an onslaught of editors to remove Krystal Meyers’ birthdate for Krystal by fraud; them and the cult Grace Chapel (including Krystal) being the only logical source to have removed their co-conspirator Krystal’s birthdate from Wikipedia, since they are the only ones with motive to do so to fit their falsified Big Shiny Planet false age projection (also fitting their June/6/2006 photo they and Krystal only allow on her Wikipedia page, also fitting their upload ending with a photo of Krystal as a kid, the cult Grace Chapel and Krystal attached to her MySpace account [shown per a screenshot that can be pixel tested to prove to be authentic as it is] that sick video upload from their luckymann21 account), that removal of her age on Wikipedia done by them by their Wikipedia’s co-conspirator editors using a non sourced edit Krystal or Rick or Steve made by them to then lie and say birthdate was contested as absurd fraud cause to remove that bitches birthdate, when an edit of that nature would always otherwise have been reverted).And her script in her cult Big Shiny Planet skit shows her participating to make her appear 5 years younger than is true by her perfectly timed repetition of words for them to make their uploads possible to, in part, make a purposeful age fraud projection by the seamless fraud presentation when starting the second upload when the first one ended. Their other purpose for Krystal’s script was for them to reference their sex tape story, by Krystal reading, in 2007 (2007 known because she said she was 19 when filmed, in their 2nd upload, uploaded on June 27, 2013, when she was actually 24. Her age of 19 placing the filming in 2007 known by knowing her birthatein 2007 (when filmed) them filming her reading a scripture saying “caught this woman in the act of adultery“, then on Aug 19, 2008 [see 8/19/08 on right of that page] they told their Jeremy Shum sex tape story,before they released their first Big Shiny Planet upload Krystal referencing “caught in adultery” on Jun 30, 2010 (but as established, filmed in 2007), proving the cult Grace Chapel (and Krystal) made up the sex tape story between her and Jeremy Shum, as on Aug 19, 2008, no one else but them could have known Krystal said “caught this woman in the act of adultery”, (filmed in 2007) no one but them [and their Big Shiny Planet partner could have known] said by her and them to make it appear like their Jeremy Shum sex tape story was true (because her cult ass is a stand in demo drone acting out a process to be used against non cult people one day) and to make Krystal by her and their Big Shiny Planet age fraud appear to have been 15 years old at the time of the cult Grace Chapel’s sex tape story, when their co-conspirator liar Krystal was actually 20, shows in their frauds they have a pedophile agenda (scary when you continue to read and see that they and Krystal are testing Internet covers for kidnappings). Their age fraud of their Big Shiny Planet uploads: (when Krystal was really 24) on Jun 27, 2013, she says she is 19, which would made her 15 on Aug 19, 2008 (when she was really 20). See Big Shiny Planet section for the rest of my documentation, proving it was cut into two uploads to fabricate a 5 years younger age by them than was true, like the first upload delayed years from filming then it cuts off right before she says her age, but you don’t find that out till 3 years later and that one says her age, in 2007, but if you start the 2nd upload when the first one ended you miss that (they cut off 4.5 seconds from the beginning of their 2nd upload) so they can make it appear from the perspective of their first upload as if she never said her age. The cult Grace Chapel [including Krystal] and Big Shiny Planet are obviously a bunch of pedophiles. And that since it takes knowing Krystal’s actual birthdate of July 31, 1988 to prove their “age reversing” fraud and precisely to know that she was 19 in 2007 (dating the filming of their Big Shiny Planet uploads to have been filmed in 2007), and that they frauded an age projection and that they are the only ones who could have fabricated a sex tape story with a so called Disney host of Jeremy Shum (only the Cult Grace Chapel and Krystal and their Big Shiny Planet partners knew in 2008 what scripture she quoted in 2007 to go with their sex tape story, as they did not release their 1st upload till Jun 30, 2010), if Jeremy Shum even exists, I don’t know, and since Krystal’s actual birthdate of July, 31, 1988 dates when she was 19 (old url when she was 30 in 2018, and Krystal Meyers is now 35 and she was born on July 31, 1988 and turned 35 on July 31, 2023 and she goes by Krystal Hawkins since 2009. Same person), the cult Grace Chapel (including Krystal) is the only logical source to have removed their co-conspirator Krystal’s birthdate from Wikipedia, since they are the only ones with motive to do so to fit their falsified Big Shiny Planet false age projection, that removal of her age done by them by their Wikipedia’s co-conspirator editors using a non sourced edit Krystal or Rick or Steve made by them to then lie and say birthdate was contested as absurd fraud cause to remove that bitches birthdate, when an edit of that nature would always otherwise have been reverted).Here is Tumblr’s and the cult Grace Chapel’s and Krystal’s page where they all say she is 16, when And, so now Krystal Meyers is 35 in 2023 after July 31, 2023 when she turned 35 and she goes by Krystal Hawkins since 2009. Same person (I have many other such pages of them all archived and screen recorded for my civil case).The cult Grace Chapel and Krystal made an alias called Robert N, who has two compilations of Rules of Engagement’s Russel Dunbar, so they could imply that I was the unloader by their false account name, when they were the uploader by their Robert N alias (their first upload linked and their second uploaded linked, both published by the cult Grace Chapel and Krystal and the second one on May 5th, 2014, so they could speak by their damned numerology, as I was born on May 21, 1963) and by their false account name they imply that I was the uploader, when I was not (that done by them now as I discover on YouTube, which make my case against YouTube that much easier, the same type lies the cult Grace Chapel has done on Tumblr, Pintrest and Wikipedia, them all that I will sue to the ground. See Big Shiny Planet section to know that they are the uploaders) and by that compilation their goddamn asses were/ are pretending that’t I’d be so goddamn stupid to send goddamn massages that I liked young girls, when I do NOT. My ex was 31 when I was 39.Actors described in the civil case I need to file being, Rick Meyers, Steve Berger (as I document, his lying cult ass pretends to believe deceased people speak from beyond the grave (and he wrote a book that damns himself fitting his online actions) and he pretends to believe his deceased son made appearances to people across America. Who needs Jesus Christ, He who appeared after death, when you have the lies of the ghost of Josiah to pin your hopes on instead? That’s what those kinds of frauds of that cult teach (starting with that fraud belief of theirs so you can doubt them from the beginning by their own stated beliefs). Anyhow, Josiah did not appear to anyone. Just Steve Berger’s lie him describing his Internet plans), Krystal Hawkins / so now Krystal Meyers is 35 in 2023 after July 31, 2023 when she turned 35 and she goes by Krystal Hawkins since 2009. Same person) but she pretends to be a kid and her cult ass pretends to be deceased under the name of Krystal Meyers (more on these topics not far down the page, including updated content proving the cult Grace Chapel is the only possible source to have fabricated their sex tape story, that they and their co-conspirator made up. Not because shes somehow above it [she is not. She was simply not told to], but because it was just a story from those liars that only they could have known to write. See the paragraph that begins with “Into the civil case prep” where among other info, is included a true timeline perspective I explain that proves to a civil case standard that the cult Grace Chapel including Krystal] is a house of pedophiles: manufactured a pedophile minded/agenda presentation by racketeering, with their intent to aid a supply of kids to pedophile as well as aid adult sex trafficking, kidnappings, murders and embezzlements, them making it clear they intended to aid those by their Internet cover producing frauds they demoed as they implied and also definitively focused on those areas of wicked endeavors/areas of service to be purchased by the demented and thieves And don’t think embezzlement is offered as a service by the cult Grace Chapel, without a proven track record by them, with 3 million downloads of e-Sword, I’d bet a large portion of those people that were not of a cult but with especially home Internet businesses saw a dramatic drop in their incomes, with a handful of cult connected people seeing dramatic increases in their incomes. High tech money laundering. Be interesting in this civil case once I can get it started [I lack the funding to begin it], to know the same statistics between who unwittingly donated to Rick Meyers and who cult connected, purposely donated. I bet it would mirror the other but even more in favor of the cult Grace Chapel’s/ Rick Meyers [/ Krystal Meyers also and obviously Steve Berger etc. too] embezzlement platform).Their Internet fraud weapon for the trillionth time will not be allocated to be used on their own as demoed (common sense, or their vast demo would have been an active version against their Krystal and their Alex, them co-conspirator actors facilitating the testing of their Internet fraud cover making capabilities, not victims of their own demo). Their demo was made by the cult Grace Chapel as it was to throw off fools, of which there is no shortage of in this world. Again, after Krystal playing deceased as well as her plotted disappearing with no word spoken for 7 years (or still in her role for her cult), in 2015 her and her cult published videos and titled a playlist of theirs to be K Meyers still alive and kickin’ to be testing limits for what would pass these days as “proof of life” in 2015 by them using a 2010 video as that proof of life in 2015 forward [where their original upload is actually here], with that playlist named K Meyers still alive and kickin‘ for them and her to imply she was physically dead by 2015 by their fraud proof of 2015 life, them using a 2010 video to prove that to test how little actual proof is necessary for the whole world to believe a deceased person was alive, is their test by their living person, their self admitted liar, Krystal. They are testing extremes of obvious frauds accepted, where then they would work well within those extremes (by them via their aliases removing videos they published, then re-uploading them under other of their aliases, as they did in their demo of how they would stretch out the appearance of life [a late 2008 live performance of Krystal singing her Shine song they and she published that was online for years then they removed it and all copies, then years later she and they re-uploaded it Oct 31 2016, to make her appear 20 in 2016, when she was 28 then, those pedophiles using photos of young girls as a large portion of their aliases]), also search this page for, “To go along with that account cover fraud” to see the subtle actions of their plotted weapon when in action. It is a very important part of this case to understand what an aspect of their non demo weapon would be like and they demoed that too, so all aspects of their weapon would obviously be in line with that type subtlety) added to them making age reversing projections to stretch out the appearance of life, demoed via Krystal their Big Shiny Planet partner. That is proven over and over by my civil case preparation) since this year she now runs a Grace Chapel cult plant at an elementary school in Knoxville, per their site, their plotted fabrication, where they purposely disassociate Krystal Hawkins from Krystal Meyers (same person) by their vague brief bio so Krystal Meyers can still pretend to be deceased, per their testing, her there for her cult to go the one place pedophiles like them would go. They are testing the waters, proving how bold their pedophilia can be. I don’t get into other people’s twisted business but am explaining their full sick plot as they used my name as one of their aliases and made me the only victim of their Internet fraud testing demo), Krystal of the damned like her damned pedophile father, who I have proof to sue into oblivion as well as well as her cult, consisting of her, Rick Meyers, Steve Berger and Alex Hawkins at a minimum of that cult; Rick Meyers who pretended embezzling with Bing’s (and Krystal’s) assistance, so the cult Grace Chapel could advertise embezzling from people as a part of their smorgasbord of services they offer against kidnapped and deceased people (Krystal playing kidnapped and her playing deceased). And that url regarding her age being an old url (Krystal playing a deceased person to assist them, not done by her and them to be against her own cult type or her cult ass would have been kidnapped and murdered by her cult and I would not care. And her script in her cult Big Shiny Planet skit shows her participating to make her appear 5 years younger than is true by her perfectly timed repetition of words for them to make their uploads possible to, in part, make a purposeful age fraud projection. Their other purpose for them to reference their sex tape story, by Krystal reading, in 2007 (2007 known because she said she was 19 when filmed, in their 2nd upload, uploaded on June 27, 2013, when she was actually 24. Her age of 19 placing the filming in 2007 known by knowing her birthatein 2007 (when filmed) them filming her reading a scripture saying “caught this woman in the act of adultery“, then on Aug 19, 2008 [see 8/19/08 on right of that page] they told their Jeremy Shum sex tape story, before they released their first Big Shiny Planet upload on Jun 30, 2010 (but as established, filmed in 2007), proving the cult Grace Chapel made up the sex tape story, as on Aug 19, 2008, no one else but them could have known Krystal said “caught this woman in the act of adultery”, (filmed in 2007) no one but them [and their Big Shiny Planet partner could have known] said by her and them to make it appear like their Jeremy Shum sex tape story was true (because her cult ass is a stand in demo drone acting out a process to be used against your non cult ass one day, your non cult ass who would not have done whatever it was. You lied to yourselves yesterday and pretended to believe I was defending her lying cult ass by me simply stating obvious frauds, not above your non cult heads, so quit pretending to be stupid) and to make Krystal by her and their Big Shiny Planet age fraud appear to have been 15 years old at the time of the cult Grace Chapel’s sex tape story, when their co-conspirator liar Krystal was actually 20. Their age fraud (when her lying ass was really 24) of her being 19 on Jun 27, 2013, would have made her 15 on Aug 19, 2008. See Big Shiny Planet section for the rest of my documentation, proving it was cut into two uploads to fabricate a 5 years younger age by them than was true, like the first upload delayed years from filming then it cuts off right before she says her age, but you don’t find that out till 3 years later and that one says her age, in 2007, but if you start the 2nd upload when the first one ended you miss that (they cut off 4.5 seconds from the beginning of their 2nd upload) so they can make it appear from the perspective of their first upload as if she never said her age. The cult Grace Chapel [including Krystal] and Big Shiny Planet are obviously a bunch of pedophiles. And that since it takes knowing Krystal’s actual birthdate of July 31, 1988 to prove their fraud and precisely, and that they frauded an age projection and that they are the only ones who could have fabricated a sex tape story with a so called Disney host of Jeremy Shum (only the Cult Grace Chapel and Krystal and their Big Shiny Planet partners knew in 2008 what scripture she quoted in 2007 to go with their sex tape story, as they did not release their 1st upload till Jun 30, 2010), if Jeremy Shum even exists, I don’t know, and since Krystal’s actual birthdate of July, 31, 1988 dates when she was 19 (old url when she was 30 in 2018, so now Krystal Meyers is 35 in 2023 after July 31, 2023 when she turned 35), the cult Grace Chapel (including Krystal) is the only logical source to have removed their co-conspirator Krystal’s birthdate from Wikipedia, since they are the only ones with motive to do so to fit their falsified Big Shiny Planet false age projection, that removal of her age done by them by their Wikipedia’s co-conspirator editors using a non sourced edit Krystal or Rick or Steve made by them to then lie and say birthdate was contested as absurd fraud cause to remove that bitches birthdate, when an edit of that nature would always otherwise have been reverted), and Krystal pretends to be diseased to work in conjunction with Steve Berger’s pretended belief of her cult, as I document, that being he pretends to believe deceased people speak from beyond the grave and pretends to believe his deceased son made appearances to people across America from beyond the grave (he was describing how his Internet fraud sites and aliases would appear to speak for deceased people, making them appear alive by those means, not planned to be used by them on their own cult type [that would okay with me if they took themselves out but they are obviously not going to], because their own cult type are unharmed trash. They made a demo of a weapon to be used against non cult people with their pretended belief of deceased people speaking and appearing in visions being a descriptor of what their weapon would appear to be able to do, as deceased people would “appear” online by old videos and photos and would “speak” by Steve Berger writing the words, like he did for his deceased son in his pretended belief. The deceased do not speak or appear. It’s a symbolic descriptor of their weapon, not made by them to be used on their own cult type), Steve Berger lying across the board by his made up story that Josiah got down on one knee from beyond the grave and whispered into the ear of a likely character he made up named Jim.The reason the cult Grace Chapel and Krystal, via their Big Shiny Planet, cut off the first upload right before their co-conspirator Krystal said her age (that upload two years after filming) and then uploaded the 2nd 3 years later with her saying he age at 2007 filming, was to make it obvious to non fools that they including Krystal were making a fraud age presentation, making the subject appear 5 years younger than true (Krystal in on it). Their weapon will not have the first upload, fools. That was done to prove to their future buyers of their actual Internet fraud weapon their fraud was intentional to hide and fraud ages and how they’d accomplish it being by what they did with the second upload alone, by uploading videos many, many years after filming, of future non cult people they would have set up (Krystal their cult person not set up, but just demoing their basic fraud plan in regards to making people kidnapped or murdered continue to appear to live by future uploads, which is why Krystal stopped speaking in 2010 any why Rick pretended to embezzle from her in 2014 an 2015, to pretend to be embezzling from a deceased person, for them to let their buyers know that they would / could / can actually do that, which is why Steve Berger pretends to believe the story he made up that deceased people speak from beyond the grave and appear to people across America, because all that, his bullshit, is describing how their fraud sites will appear to people via the Internet as they type words for deceased people to make them appear alive. So he is describing how his fraud sites will make covers for murders as Rick Meyers describes how / that they would embezzle from deceased people, Krystal, not deceased but pretending to be. Krystal not embezzled from by Rick Meyers but pretending to have been, per their Bing assisted racketeering web page titles (see that section below)). Their weapon will not be used against their own cult type, like Krystal.Just like their weapon will not have an archive of a tweeted from Twitter account (see that section below) like their demo from their cult actress does, or how could they show their future buyers without contacting them that there were ever tweets, if their was only the never tweeted fraud page provided by Twitter’s racketeering service? It gives a clear message that Twitter is by that promising to conspire in their future Internet fraud weapon’s plans also, but their weapon will not allow archives of their plotted victims accounts and only have the false front covering up past tweets of future non cult victims, like their Big Shiny Planet weapon future counterparts will not have that first upload (and use non cult victims not cult actors). They allowed an archive to prove their Twitter assisted fraud was intentional to hide past tweets, like they published their first Big Shiny Planet upload to show age fraud was intentional. Their weapon will not be used against their own cult type, like Krystal. And it does not just frauding ages and hiding tweets. Years later uploads from filming will give the appearance that non cult deceased people are alive, when they would not be, fools.How fraud title appeared after non e-sword domain was pointed to Rick’s site looked in Bing, fraudulently titled at search engine level (Krystal in on it), and how it would have looked otherwise without Bing changing the title at search engine level needs to be seen in conjunction with this screen recording (of screen recordings showing Rick’s e-Sword favicon proving it was his site showing in Bing, falsely titled at search engine level, being pointed to by Krystal’s domain (with her approval their conspirator) and see Wayback Machine proof Bing changed title at search engine level to go with screen recordings and screenshots of that: Move forward in the Wayback Machine, starting here. It begins with Krystal’s domain pointed to Rick’s site (with her approval as their co-conspirator) as you see Rick Meyers’ e-Sword favicon in your browsers’ tab proving it is Rick’s e-Sword site under the Krystal Meyers’ domain (with her permission but you’re not supposed to know that per their demo). Then it changes to show Krystal’s favicon as you move forward to the next date. That favicon shows because they and Krystal uploaded a copy of Rick’s site to a folder in Krystal Meyers’ web publishing space and they pointed that non www. domain to a copy of his site they published to her web space and Rick (and Krystal) manually archived it via the Wayback Machine. Another racketeering service provided them. Then they pointed the domain back to Rick’s e-Sword site and that is where it stayed 99.999% of the time. The other pointing of that domain was only done to get the copy of Rick’s site that they (and Krystal) put in Krystal’s web space in the Wayback Machine under that domain, periodically.Blatant fraud documented as being committed by Grace Chapel via Big Shiny Planet, proving they and Krystal obviously plotted to hide her age while they and Krystal also obviously plotted to make her appear to be 5 or so years younger than she is (and 9 years younger than is true, if you think her age statement is current), both which fits how on her current site that was made in 2008 the current site still says “new album in stores now” just like it did in 2008, so those pedophiles, including her, can pretend she is now 20, when that was her age in goddamn 2008 where their actions fit all the other ways they and she make her appear to be a kid, when Krystal Meyers is 35 in 2023 after July 31, 2023 when she turned 35 (and she goes by Krystal Hawkins since 2009. Same person); Krystal not their victim over that large span of time but me, as her sick ass pretends to be 5 years younger than she is, to even Rick and her and Steve making her appear to be currently 16, with another one of their goddamn 21 aliases. More on that topic, including other ways Grace Chapel makes Krystal appear to be a kid and documentation of some of their twisted shit, including their Jeremy Shum sex tape story they wrote so they and Krystal could make it appear like she made a sex tape at 15, because if you take that story of theirs and use their years later blantly fabricated age that they through Big Shiny Planet says she is, by their age lie she would have been 15 at their sex tape time, 5 years younger than she really was when they started their own rumor them touting and relishing their pedophile minds and them trying to convince pedophiles like them to buy their cover for kidnapping services (logically based on their frauds), as their racketeering services to produce covers would be available for their twisted pedophile passioned sick twisted cult people around the world. The passion of Grace Chapel is their pedophilia.Proof Wix is keeping sound from my case screen recordings and putting cross hatches on them (of 2008 video Krystal uploaded and removed for her to continue to pretend to be a kid because her upload to YouTube went to proving her actual age of 35, and not a kid, so she removed her YouTube upload. Here is Proof published a while ago proving Krystal turned 30 on July 31, 2018 and, Krystal Meyers is now 35 and she was born on July 31, 1988 and turned 35 on July 31, 2023 and she goes by Krystal Hawkins since 2009. Same person). And I really don’t case that Wix is doing that because I have another place for my case screen recordings and 30 minutes free Wix of videos would not do me any good anyhow.No one will be kidnapped, tied up, taken away and held for ransom by the cult Grace Chapel’s mechanism of racketeering produced frauds as covers (idiots). What will happen is people will be people tied up, taken away and sent into sex slavery and basic slavery for men if not murdered robbing men of their fortunes, and sex trafficking the women. Why not ramson? Because ransom does not fit their agenda or make them enough money plus then their an actual kidnapped person would have to be admitted by them to be such (too many problems for them). They provide covers for murders and kidnappings. Therefore, ransom is not up their alley. They currently provide their niche, to make people they assist to murder appear as if alive. So ransom is not their forte. They currently provide covers for women to be sex trafficked, so ransom is not their forte.Twitters racketeering promise to show how they will shut up non cult people that their racketeering partners want to appear to never have tweeted, demoed by their cult partner actress and co-conspirator, KrystalAnd Twitter, like Bing, assisted Krystal, Rick, Steve and Alex in pretending to make Krystal appear deceased as they provided that racketeering service to Grace Chapel , Twitter providing a false front (a racketeering service provided by them for Krystal and the cult Grace Chapel) over her Twitter account as if Krystal was deceased and never spoke bullshit, where with the not of the damned, her of the damned, against the non-damned, Twitter would shut up your pleas to not be murdered, fools (when there were stupid and FYI all adult tweets from that weapon’s testing account, they had to say something to prove something was there for their weapon’s partner, Twitter, to show their level of participation being at a minimum, to cover up tweets. Obviously for actual victims, Twitter would add a no archive tag [<meta name=”robots” content=”noarchive”>. And that does not work by simply writing that on a page. It has to be between the two head tags. And that’s HTML 101, that obviously Twitter knows. I’m not the one who provided the cult Grace Chapel Franklin TN the false front cover their co-conspirator’s account. Twitter did] so those no archives could obviously be made against actual victims and or whoever is over the cult Grace Chapel [they don’t have the combined intellect to do all they did] they would simply make sure no archives were made of those plotted actual victim’s pages by their racketeering. And if that’s what they choose and they have the necessary Wayback Machine contacts, it could technically already be going on), to make it look like Steve Berger did that via organized crime, as he did, but made to appear as if Krystal was his victim and that he wanted to shut up when she was in fact was his conspirator. The pretended shutting up of Krystal by Steve Berger fitting Steve Berger’s Supershine girl upload where as Krystal sings her scripted song, she disappears into Steve Berger as she sings the lines she gives all herself to you, made to appear as if Steve Berger set her up by his on screen cult church production, but Krystal was pretending Steve Berger set her up. In that same video of Steve’s he (and she) have her voice off sync to imply her voice was being removed from her, fitting their Twitter false front account, them pretending Steve removed her voice by that racketeering, when in reality Krystal was in on it and fitting them and her removing her Sep, 5,2008 Make Some Noise video from being sold (now gone), to make it look like that was a forced removal of her voice, but it was not (Krystal was a part of that removal of it to make her 35 year old ass appear as if a kid, which goes with all they shit they did to make her to appear to be a kid, when Krystal Meyers is now 35 and she was born on July 31, 1988 and turned 35 on July 31, 2023 and she goes by Krystal Hawkins since 2009. Same person).. Everything they did online was to demo their racketeering capabilities that will obviously not be used on their own cult type, with only one victim of their demo, that being me.Also it appears likely that the cult Grace Chapel in Franklin, TN, is trying to supply pedophiles with kidnapped children, because they created an Internet racketeering cover to do that as they by their Big Shiny Planet upload made their co-conspirator Krystal appear 15 in 2009, when they said she was having sex with Disney host Jeremy Shum. They did their age reversing lie years after they wrote that story that they say they responded to, so they were obviously fully aware that story of theirs existed when by racketeering they tried to make her look 15 then, when her co-conspirator ass was really 20 at the time of their sex tape story. THEY embedded 152 numerology into their shit, not me. I’m just stating the facts. That numerology that goes with the May 21 Judgment Day shit they spent 100 million on.Their fraud is my business because those pedophiles want to pretend to people that I began speaking about their twisted lying daughter when she was 15 when that twisted liar was 20. I can’t simply not mention her stupid bimbo name when they and she made her their primary instrument of their entire racketeering produced demo. And the 21 and 521 shit was designed by them into their frauds. I hate that goddam numerology shit and all numerology is shown to be used by Grace Chapel in their videos and screen names and account names (even their co-conspirator daughter begins her behind the screen dancing at 12.2 seconds in her stupid Make Some Noise video. They removed all but their GodTube uploaded video, so I linked to one via Yandex search engine). All numerology is bullshit and stupidity and in this case, all produced by the cult Grace Chapel.And their GodTube upload (years after them removing it from Vimeo, where it originally was published) by their GodTube upload they pretend she was 19 in 2012, when she was 3 years older and you see how well they plot their numerology. See 5 years ago and their luckymann21 account (upload from the same account name they had attached to her MySpace account) as that numerology of theirs (my birthday; their numerology) lines up with their numerology bitches only commercial where obviously she sang a number, 54, which is my age now as I have to continue to show my case. They and she plotted her commercial and her singing to line up with the 521 in their GodTube upload. I think they plotted their execution of me to be this year. If so or if not, I have come to a more broad view, where that account is like a countdown clock, to show the numerology it does, that being a type of countdown clock, not much unlike the Genesys’ Judgment Day clock in Terminator (just giving a similar type context, though fiction, the cult Grace Chapel’s Judgment Day plot, not fiction), that aligning up of numbers in the cult Grace Chapel’s GodTube upload plotted to show when their Judgment Day weapon likely began, done over a large time span like they plotted and drew out over five years with 2 versions, their Big Shiny Planet upload, her and them making her look 15 when she was 20, in 2009. That it took them years to make that age fraud presentation and that it took them years for to in a short range from if not possibly on May 21, 2017, for their 521 to show up on their luckymann21 account, also shows that same large time in their fraud accounts to present their lies / plots. So its entirely possible that “GodTube” account of theirs was/is the countdown clock for their hidden weapon of Internet frauds to begin against more than just me, where those victims would most likely be in the shoes for which Krystal and Alex did their performances to audition their cult’s capabilities. But those people, not Alex and Krystal, they would not be of a cult and not cult actors but actually victims. And remember their May 21 Judgment Day shit, 100 million dollars spent by their group to point to all the cult Grace Chapel demoed racketeering capabilities to do. And what was that May 21 Judgment Day shit about? A rapture they kept purposely getting the wrong date for, when they knew all along they were pointing to May 21, 2017, to begin their rapture weapon, having nothing to do with the rapture but them saying that is when they will begin to make people disappear (be kidnapped and trafficked and most likely some murdered by who they sell their capabilities to) because Steve Berger made up a story (see next link on this page for documentation) that his deceased son got down on one knee whispered into the ear of a character they named Jim, and then they prayed for the aberration to reappear (which never appeared and they know it) then their lie goes on to say the deceased person made appearances across America, like fraud accounts would by their plan make appearances to make the deceased appear to be alive. So Steve was describing the mass murder capabilities of his weapon, or more precisely how the fraud accounts they would sell can cover up murders, which is why Krystal played deceased for 7 years for her to assist them in demoing their capabilities in covering up murder by their fraud sites and them speaking only by their aliases and fraud shared accounts.Their fraud rapture (their racketeering assisted Internet fraud weapon, when functional, if its not already started) being the end of the world as you know it, and you won’t feel fine. Everyone will hate everyone because fraud sites of the non cult abducted will say they hate their non cult family, so their family will discard them and hate them as the non cult abducted will be made to appear cultish, also. No one will trust anyone, so no one will do anything. Rick named his site e-Sword for that reason, that just a tool to obtain victims, but logically the name of their racketeering assisted Internet fraud weapon, so they could refer to it openly. Them meaning their plan is to divide believer from believer by frauds, where Christ meant dividing believer from the damned (spiritually lost people can be found. Christ’s “sword”, knowing Him the Truth, separates believers from the damned by believers just not associating with the damned, as much as possible. In the world but not of it.).Once the cult Grace Chapel’s network racketeering assisted Internet fraud weapon gains prowess among the damned (it is a hidden weapon that is in your face now in its mostly demo phase, easily seen but you can’t see it when told where to look, because you pretend to be fucking fools, so when its subtle you will never see it), thousands of the damned / the cult people would be enlisted to make fraud accounts, to progress their Internet fraud weapon to provided covers for millions of murders, thefts, abductions, etc of non cult people. With the cover of anonymity giving them their fraud powers. That I’m against, me the only person on the planet who has a simple civil case to begin to stop them, that I need funding for to begin. Easy as shit civil case to win. But that requires a rich man with balls to fund it, so I can hire and pay the best of God attorneys in the world and have a case winning infrastructure to obtain the billion or more this case will provide, to begin the downfall of their weapon by bankrupting the cult Grace Chapel, Krystal, Rick Steve Alex obviously also, and with the big companies that assisted them paying 300 million each they will make sure to not try it again, myself needing a million dollars (in non cop non security guard) funding for me to accomplish a civil case win against the cult Grace Chapel and their racketeering partners, because I wish to win.You’d think even movie studious would be banging at my door (a phrase since I’m fucking homeless, I don’t have a door but them emailing me) to loan me a million dollars for them to make a ten million dollar profit on that plus the money they would make from movies from this case (of which I’d get an agreed upon cut from) for them to make a docudrama about this case, a documentary about this case and a movie made in the right context for once from start to finish that could deal with the type facts of this case (not hit and miss type symbolic “all that exists possibilities” shit as they have to date, but show the reality of the possibilities of life as the winning of this case would provide them to be able to present).This not a movie because if it happens you’ll never know it. But its what the cult Grace Chapel (including Krystal) has planned.  That being non cult people are plotted by them to be kidnapped (they would disappear as if raptured by their May 21 Judgment day where the date and the 100 million they spent on that was advertising for their plans; as you know it obviously did not happen as a real rapture but their Internet fraud covers will make a fraud rapture / kidnappings be able to occur unnoticed every day as people would actually disappear but would not appear to have per the cult Grace Chapel’s Internet frauds) and those non cult victims of the the cult Grace Chapel are plotted by them to be murdered also (why Steve Berger pretends the deceased speak and appear from beyond the grave is he is referring to people their clients murdered would appear to still appear and speak by the cult Grace Chapel’s Internet frauds) but the non cult victims of the cult Grace Chapel would in both cases, kidnapped/trafficked or murdered, they would appear to be doing well, appearing as if being idiots know one likes for the fraud accounts the cult Grace Chapel would make/sell to make about them.

Billion Dollar Civil Case

Twitter provides the racketeering service of fraud to Krystal and the cult Grace Chapel: Twitter (like Bing, shown next), assisted Krystal, Rick, Steve and Alex in pretending to make Krystal appear deceased as they provided that racketeering service to Grace Chapel , Twitter providing a false front (a racketeering service provided by them for Krystal and the cult Grace Chapel) over her Twitter account as if Krystal the cult liar was deceased and never spoke bullshit (the cult GC and Krystal, like all their “age reversing” projections, with a late 2008 photo as if current), where with plotted non cult victims, Krystal their cult actress, Twitter would shut up your pleas to not be murdered (when there were stupid and FYI all adult tweets from that weapon’s testing account, they had to say something to prove something was there for their weapon’s partner, Twitter, to show their level of participation being at a minimum, to cover up tweets. And here linked is that same Twitter krystalmeyers account now, still saying no tweets, where they also have their intentional fraud Twitter account called krystalmeyer to show how easily Twitter can dupe people into believing a fraud site is the real one after, via Twitter’s racketeering, lying to say the real one never had tweets (Krystal a full participant in her and Twitter’s and her cult’s racketeering).

As per the WayBack Machine where only one archive was ever made of that and that was on Oct 27, 2018, and you know none others will ever be made to show how long it all went on, and if you remove “lang=en” from the URL, it per the WayBack Machine, goes back to the account Twitter says never tweeted. So, without screen recordings of mine all they have to say is and must have been a glitch that one day and the day, then say there is nothing else that can be proved. But I do have the proof in screen recordings and all you can see.

As far as the “lang=en” Twitter accout that Krystal and her dad and her cult made, it was not in the WayBack Machine, so I put it there for my proof against them. I archied it for that proof. What they were trying to do was to say that she had an account that never Tweeted but by me acrching that same account but with “lang=en” which does not make it a different account, I prove that she did tweet from her former account. They desiged theor plot to make it appear as if adding “lang=en” made it a different account when it did not and the WayBack Machine was made to obey that lie and to make it appear like a whole diffecet account when it is the same fucking account.

This case was made 10 years before Elon musk bought Twitter. And now that Elon Musk says, and the key word is “says”, that he is going to get rid of old unused accounts not used in years, Krystal Meyers’ accounbt obvioulsy should dissaper from the Internet and only be as proof agaist her and her fathera nd their cult, per the WayBack Machine and my screen recordsing of my case that unfortunately I can;t put on YouTube as they caved to a bullshit court order from bought Franklin TN judges, that was all total bullshit and of racketeering. so I am banned from YouTube, blackballed from YouTube for them caving on the truth. I;d love to show you my proof of screen recodrding but the rackeetrs of Franklin TN will not allow it, them and their caving YouTube.

So, if Elon Musk does in fact do as he says I will have to remove the live links from Krystal’s Twitter accounts and only rely on the links to the WayBack Machine for my public per this site, case against them. And I think it is a step in the right direction for Elon Musk to do that and wipe out all very old accounts that have not been used in years, especially when the cult Grace Chapels weapon is made to unfold over years and years (YouTube should do the same). That would also put the cult Grace Chapel between a rock and a hard place as then they can’t say the Meyers name was taken, when in fact they made both the Meyers and Meyer accounts both of which will be removed for lack of use by Elon Musk and good for that at least if he does what he says he will do, her old Twitter accounts will cease to exist.

You ask since Krystal is demoing an erasure of people to show their abilities would not something like Elon Musk is doing make the final blow to innocent people who were kidnapped by the cult Grace Chapel’s weapon of alias and lies as Krystal was their willing demo girl and woman in that? Yes, it is possible that that type thing could be used as a final erasing point for what good people actually tweeted but like I how I show you, in the cult Grace Chapels’ weapon, they and she used racketeering to make it appear like she did not tweet. So my final decision is that Elon Musk should be required to link to archives of former accounts and to archive them before he removes them if they are not archived with a current archive (and “lang=en” etc, versions need to be archived too as the fucking WayBack Machine pretends to think they are different accounts). That way no one can be completely erased for Twitter’s part. And if Elon Musk thought about that simple thing he’d agree, or he could open up a mountain of aiding in murder or aiding in the cover up of murders, cases, against him one day. So, a necessary thing he needs to do before removing accounts. And the whole Internet accounts industry should have to do the same.

How that is done will require thought of mine that I am not going to give away. If you want the answer, then pay me for it, you rich with no complete and thought out real good ideas. I’ll give you that answer for only 100 grand.

Krystal also went by a “Meyer” (@krystalmeyer) not only her “Meyers” (@KrystalMeyers) Twitter account, both made by her and her father Rick and their cult, to appear as if she was dead and with her @krystalmeyers shit account covered up then, as too appear as if @krystalmeyer started talking as if her to demo her and GC weapon via Twitter’s assistance to take over Twitter accounts by making new ones for non-cult but kidnapped people, demoed by that cult and Krystal. All the writing for those were by Krystal, Rick Meyers and Steve Berger. Not a word is written by them without cult plotting in how to phrase every word (and what alias to use also when they used them). Her YouTube Vevo account is made to appear as if hijacked by her favoriting music that she said she disliked (per her script) and not favoriting what she said she did like, made as if from Wikipedia content about her. So the Twitter assistance demo shows what the cult Grace Chapel’s Internet fraud weapon would do to accounts they can’t hijack, being to just cover up the old and make a new one for kidnappers to write as if they are their non cult victims that way (Krystal their cult actress, no victim).

Bing provided racketeering service of fraud to Krystal and the cult Grace Chapel (for a year and a half). The cult Grace Chapel (and Krystal) involved my name and birthdate in aspects of their vast frauds, when the totality of their frauds makes one Internet weapon demo, their racketeering is a civil case word as their frauds would provide me treble damages from all their racketeering partners, as I am the only victim of their demo.

How fraud title looked in Bing after non e-sword domain was pointed to Rick’s site, fraudulently titled at search engine level (Krystal in on it), and how it would have looked otherwise without Bing changing the title at search engine level needs to be seen in conjunction with this screen recording (of screen recordings showing Rick’s e-Sword favicon proving it was his site showing in Bing, falsely titled at search engine level, being pointed to by Krystal’s domain (with her approval their conspirator) and see Wayback Machine proof Bing changed title at search engine level to go with screen recordings and screenshots of that: Move forward in the Wayback Machine, starting here. It begins with Krystal’s domain pointed to Rick’s site (with her approval as their co-conspirator) as you see Rick Meyers’ e-Sword favicon in your browsers’ tab proving it is Rick’s e-Sword site under the Krystal Meyers’ domain (with her permission but you’re not supposed to know that per their demo). Then it changes to show Krystal’s favicon as you move forward to the next date. That favicon shows because they and Krystal uploaded a copy of Rick’s site to a folder in Krystal Meyers’ web publishing space and they pointed that non www. domain to a copy of his site they published to her web space and Rick (and Krystal) manually archived it via the Wayback Machine.

Another racketeering service provided them. Then they pointed the domain back to Rick’s e-Sword site and that is where it stayed 99.999% of the time. The other pointing of that domain was only done to get the copy of Rick’s site that they (and Krystal) put in Krystal’s web space in the Wayback Machine under that domain, periodically.A small cult player called Big Shiny Planet (but with an easy to see wicked agenda), provided blatant fraud for the cult Grace Chapel (and Krystal) to make her appear 5 years younger than she is (that cult Grace Chapel and Krystal plotted age reversing falsehood to make her appear to have been 15 when they made up their sex tape story [as I prove they are the only ones to have been able to write that twisted pedophile minded shit], that 5 years younger plotted age fraud of the cult Grace Chapel proven below in this paragraph, that fraud fitting their and her same mo of her website that says “new album in stores now”,when it said that in 2008, that photo of her (the liar) obviously also from 2008, when that plotted named album came out (that reasons explained on this page numerous times), as they are trying to give the fraud impression that her at 20 years old in late 2008, is what her wretched ass looks like now so they can by that fraud projection again make her appear to have been a kid in 2008 and 2009. Her video was on i-Tunes and it came out Sep 5, 2008 but the cult Grace Chapel, including Krystal, removed it and left only her kiddy videos, fitting Bing’s presentation [shown below in this paragraph], fitting the cult Grace Chapel’s June 6, 2006 photo of her on Wikipedia the cult Grace Chapel pedophile minded freaks want you to think is relatively current, published by Rick Meyers in 2006, him “cross-dressing” as Ellie909 and 1 not meaning won [with his Thousand Year War Ellie909 contrib of his fitting their play like they were against her fitting play war on her photo], with 2006 photo showing in Yahoo undated as if current (all birthdate info in search engines, regarding the shit Krystal, propagated from Wikipedia, who by racketeering discounted it. So in the cult Grace Chapel’s actual Internet fraud weapon against non cult people, that birthdate info would not be reflected on search engine pages . That info came from Wikipedia and they are only manually keeping it there), fitting Wikipedia editors removing her birthdate, as they did, by an obvious fraud, fitting how she and her cult have her appear as a kid from Bing search page (screenshot), and primarily shows as a kid in Bing and Google; and she is the only physically living person on Wikipedia who is not a kid that has a kid photo of themself, out of 609,556 people or so): The age fraud of the cult Grace Chapel’s (and Krystal’s) Big Shiny Planet uploads(On Jun 27,2013, when video uploaded, on Jun 27, 2013, when Krystal was really 24 she says she is 19 as filming occurred in late 2007, when she was 19. But their lie of her 19 in Jun of 2013 would have made her 15 on Aug 19, 2008 (when she was really 20. And, Krystal Meyers is now 34 and she was born on July 31, 1988 and will be 35 on July 31, 2023 and she goes by Krystal Hawkins since 2009. Same person. See Big Shiny Planet section (most also directly below) for the rest of my documentation, proving their Big Shiny Planet uploads were published as two uploads to fabricate a 5 years younger age by them than was true, the first upload delayed years from 2007 filming, it published on Jun 30, 2010, but it cuts off right before she says her age, but you don’t find that out till 3 years later with their Jun 27,2013 upload, and that one says her age (what her age was in 2007, published on June 27, 2013), but if you start the 2nd video, uploaded by them on Jun 27, 2013, if you start it when the first one ended you miss her saying her age, per her script, said by her in 2007 (they cut off 4.5 seconds from the beginning of their 2nd upload) so they and she can make it appear from the perspective of their first upload as if she never said her age. The cult Grace Chapel [including Krystal] and Big Shiny Planet are obviously a bunch of pedophiles. And that since it takes knowing Krystal’s actual birthdate of July 31, 1988 to prove their fraud and precisely, and that they frauded an age projection and that they are the only ones who could have fabricated a sex tape story with a so called Disney host of Jeremy Shum (only the Cult Grace Chapel and Krystal and their Big Shiny Planet partners knew in 2008 what scripture she quoted in 2007 to go with their Aug 19, 2008 sex tape story, as they did not release that first 2007 filmed Big Shiny Planet upload referencing her scripted “caught in adultery” scripture till Jun 30, 2010 (more on that below, proving Big Shiny Planet filming done in 2007), if Jeremy Shum even exists, I don’t know, and Krystal Meyers is now 34 and she was born on July 31, 1988 and will be 35 on July 31, 2023 and she goes by Krystal Hawkins since 2009. Same person). The cult Grace Chapel (including Krystal) is the only logical source to have removed their co-conspirator Krystal’s birthdate from Wikipedia.In addition to go with Krystal and her cult’s Big Shiny Planet obvious deliberate age reversing presentation, documented above, this linked titletrakk page archived on Oct 31, 2008, shows a 2008 copyright date, at the bottom of the page. And that page in 2o18, via a racketeering service provided to the cult Grace Chapel and Krystal, it says 2012 for its copyright date, at the bottom of the page. Obvious deliberate fraud by racketeering fitting their Big Shiny Plant age reversion frauds. Like dark flow (sucks up whole galaxies pulling them to an alternate course), the overall trends among the slices of this case exhibit remarkable agreement, too much to not know that they are plotted, time and time again, in an overall scheme, to demo future plotted actions of evil per Internet racketeering based frauds, that may already be underway against their true targets in a subtle way (not their audacious testing phase). Since it’s all designed to go unnoticed and be hidden, without close examination, if no one but myself is examining their testing phase, who would know if their real finalized subtle Internet frauds to provide covers for many evils are currently in use or not? They most certainly eventually will be if I’m not funded to out them and take down their creators and racketeers.If their creation is not stopped, over time, not only people assumed to not have disappeared by the most vague reasonings possible, those reasonings would then gradually disappear by the lack of later observers to the point of there being no need for the former vague reasonings, thus with no future explanations as there would be no observers (all monitored so that time would be known, since its the Internet), their abilities which begin by no sound reasoning being accepted by the people as if real, would send the whole word into a vastly different reality; a controlled world by evil people in racketeering enterprises pulling the strings in a vast array of realms, not limited to covered up kidnapping and murders.VE + A + VR + T – O – VE = 0E+a (Vague Evidence + Acceptance via Vague Reasoning + Time – Observer – Vague Evidence = zero Explanation being adequate) is a formula way to describe their psychologically based methodology of presentation and how its perceived to then be ignored by the passage of time.So the cult Grace Chapel commissioned their racketeering Big Shiny Planet partners and their titletrakk partners to produce racketeering frauds, which also continues to prove racketeering of them with Bing and by the above proof also; all to a civil case standard, which is my chosen testimony planned “vehicle”, I also proved the cult Grace Chapel fabricated their sex tape story. And when you take into consideration that their fraud Internet weapon can give coves for missing (non cult) people, that’s very disturbing. They are saying some of them would be kids for wretched pedophilesWikipedia provided an onslaught of editors to remove Krystal Meyers’ birthdate for Krystal by fraud; them and the cult Grace Chapel (including Krystal) being the only logical source to have removed their co-conspirator Krystal’s birthdate from Wikipedia, since they are the only ones with motive to do so to fit their falsified Big Shiny Planet false age projection (also fitting their June/6/2006 photo they and Krystal only allow on her Wikipedia page, also fitting their upload ending with a photo of Krystal as a kid, the cult Grace Chapel and Krystal attached to her MySpace account [shown per a screenshot that can be pixel tested to prove to be authentic as it is] that sick video upload from their luckymann21 account), that removal of her age on Wikipedia done by them by their Wikipedia’s co-conspirator editors using a non sourced edit Krystal or Rick or Steve made by them to then lie and say birthdate was contested as absurd fraud cause to remove that bitches birthdate, when an edit of that nature would always otherwise have been reverted).And her script in her cult Big Shiny Planet skit shows her participating to make her appear 5 years younger than is true by her perfectly timed repetition of words for them to make their uploads possible to, in part, make a purposeful age fraud projection by the seamless fraud presentation when starting the second upload when the first one ended. Their other purpose for Krystal’s script was for them to reference their sex tape story, by Krystal reading, in 2007 (2007 known because she said she was 19 when filmed, in their 2nd upload, uploaded on June 27, 2013, when she was actually 24. Her age of 19 placing the filming in 2007 known by knowing her birthatein 2007 (when filmed) them filming her reading a scripture saying “caught this woman in the act of adultery“, then on Aug 19, 2008 [see 8/19/08 on right of that page] they told their Jeremy Shum sex tape story,before they released their first Big Shiny Planet upload Krystal referencing “caught in adultery” on Jun 30, 2010 (but as established, filmed in 2007), proving the cult Grace Chapel (and Krystal) made up the sex tape story between her and Jeremy Shum, as on Aug 19, 2008, no one else but them could have known Krystal said “caught this woman in the act of adultery”, (filmed in 2007) no one but them [and their Big Shiny Planet partner could have known] said by her and them to make it appear like their Jeremy Shum sex tape story was true (because her cult ass is a stand in demo drone acting out a process to be used against non cult people one day) and to make Krystal by her and their Big Shiny Planet age fraud appear to have been 15 years old at the time of the cult Grace Chapel’s sex tape story, when their co-conspirator liar Krystal was actually 20, shows in their frauds they have a pedophile agenda (scary when you continue to read and see that they and Krystal are testing Internet covers for kidnappings). Their age fraud of their Big Shiny Planet uploads: (when Krystal was really 24) on Jun 27, 2013, she says she is 19, which would made her 15 on Aug 19, 2008 (when she was really 20). See Big Shiny Planet section for the rest of my documentation, proving it was cut into two uploads to fabricate a 5 years younger age by them than was true, like the first upload delayed years from filming then it cuts off right before she says her age, but you don’t find that out till 3 years later and that one says her age, in 2007, but if you start the 2nd upload when the first one ended you miss that (they cut off 4.5 seconds from the beginning of their 2nd upload) so they can make it appear from the perspective of their first upload as if she never said her age. The cult Grace Chapel [including Krystal] and Big Shiny Planet are obviously a bunch of pedophiles. And that since it takes knowing Krystal’s actual birthdate of July 31, 1988 to prove their “age reversing” fraud and precisely to know that she was 19 in 2007 (dating the filming of their Big Shiny Planet uploads to have been filmed in 2007), and that they frauded an age projection and that they are the only ones who could have fabricated a sex tape story with a so called Disney host of Jeremy Shum (only the Cult Grace Chapel and Krystal and their Big Shiny Planet partners knew in 2008 what scripture she quoted in 2007 to go with their sex tape story, as they did not release their 1st upload till Jun 30, 2010), if Jeremy Shum even exists, I don’t know, and since Krystal’s actual birthdate of July, 31, 1988 dates when she was 19 (old url when she was 30 in 2018, so now she is 34 in 2023 prior to July 31, 2023 when she will turn 35), the cult Grace Chapel (including Krystal) is the only logical source to have removed their co-conspirator Krystal’s birthdate from Wikipedia, since they are the only ones with motive to do so to fit their falsified Big Shiny Planet false age projection, that removal of her age done by them by their Wikipedia’s co-conspirator editors using a non sourced edit Krystal or Rick or Steve made by them to then lie and say birthdate was contested as absurd fraud cause to remove that bitches birthdate, when an edit of that nature would always otherwise have been reverted).Here is Tumblr’s and the cult Grace Chapel’s and Krystal’s page where they all say she is 16, when And, Krystal Meyers is now 34 and she was born on July 31, 1988 and will be 35 on July 31, 2023 and she goes by Krystal Hawkins since 2009. Same person (I have many other such pages of them all archived and screen recorded for my civil case).The cult Grace Chapel and Krystal made an alias called Robert N, who has two compilations of Rules of Engagement’s Russel Dunbar, so they could imply that I was the unloader by their false account name, when they were the uploader by their Robert N alias (their first upload linked and their second uploaded linked, both published by the cult Grace Chapel and Krystal and the second one on May 5th, 2014, so they could speak by their damned numerology, as I was born on May 21, 1963) and by their false account name they imply that I was the uploader, when I was not (that done by them now as I discover on YouTube, which make my case against YouTube that much easier, the same type lies the cult Grace Chapel has done on Tumblr, Pintrest and Wikipedia, them all that I will sue to the ground. See Big Shiny Planet section to know that they are the uploaders) and by that compilation their goddamn asses were/ are pretending that’t I’d be so goddamn stupid to send goddamn massages that I liked young girls, when I do NOT. My ex was 31 when I was 39.Actors described in the civil case I need to file being, Rick Meyers, Steve Berger (as I document, his lying cult ass pretends to believe deceased people speak from beyond the grave (and he wrote a book that damns himself fitting his online actions) and he pretends to believe his deceased son made appearances to people across America. Who needs Jesus Christ, He who appeared after death, when you have the lies of the ghost of Josiah to pin your hopes on instead? That’s what those kinds of frauds of that cult teach (starting with that fraud belief of theirs so you can doubt them from the beginning by their own stated beliefs). Anyhow, Josiah did not appear to anyone. Just Steve Berger’s lie him describing his Internet plans), Krystal Hawkins / Krystal Meyers is now 34 and she was born on July 31, 1988 and will be 35 on July 31, 2023 and she goes by Krystal Hawkins since 2009. Same person) but she pretends to be a kid and her cult ass pretends to be deceased under the name of Krystal Meyers (more on these topics not far down the page, including updated content proving the cult Grace Chapel is the only possible source to have fabricated their sex tape story, that they and their co-conspirator made up. Not because shes somehow above it [she is not. She was simply not told to], but because it was just a story from those liars that only they could have known to write. See the paragraph that begins with “Into the civil case prep” where among other info, is included a true timeline perspective I explain that proves to a civil case standard that the cult Grace Chapel including Krystal] is a house of pedophiles: manufactured a pedophile minded/agenda presentation by racketeering, with their intent to aid a supply of kids to pedophile as well as aid adult sex trafficking, kidnappings, murders and embezzlements, them making it clear they intended to aid those by their Internet cover producing frauds they demoed as they implied and also definitively focused on those areas of wicked endeavors/areas of service to be purchased by the demented and thieves And don’t think embezzlement is offered as a service by the cult Grace Chapel, without a proven track record by them, with 3 million downloads of e-Sword, I’d bet a large portion of those people that were not of a cult but with especially home Internet businesses saw a dramatic drop in their incomes, with a handful of cult connected people seeing dramatic increases in their incomes. High tech money laundering. Be interesting in this civil case once I can get it started [I lack the funding to begin it], to know the same statistics between who unwittingly donated to Rick Meyers and who cult connected, purposely donated. I bet it would mirror the other but even more in favor of the cult Grace Chapel’s/ Rick Meyers [/ Krystal Meyers also and obviously Steve Berger etc. too] embezzlement platform).Their Internet fraud weapon for the trillionth time will not be allocated to be used on their own as demoed (common sense, or their vast demo would have been an active version against their Krystal and their Alex, them co-conspirator actors facilitating the testing of their Internet fraud cover making capabilities, not victims of their own demo). Their demo was made by the cult Grace Chapel as it was to throw off fools, of which there is no shortage of in this world. Again, after Krystal playing deceased as well as her plotted disappearing with no word spoken for 7 years (or still in her role for her cult), in 2015 her and her cult published videos and titled a playlist of theirs to be K Meyers still alive and kickin’ to be testing limits for what would pass these days as “proof of life” in 2015 by them using a 2010 video as that proof of life in 2015 forward [where their original upload is actually here], with that playlist named K Meyers still alive and kickin‘ for them and her to imply she was physically dead by 2015 by their fraud proof of 2015 life, them using a 2010 video to prove that to test how little actual proof is necessary for the whole world to believe a deceased person was alive, is their test by their living person, their self admitted liar, Krystal. They are testing extremes of obvious frauds accepted, where then they would work well within those extremes (by them via their aliases removing videos they published, then re-uploading them under other of their aliases, as they did in their demo of how they would stretch out the appearance of life [a late 2008 live performance of Krystal singing her Shine song they and she published that was online for years then they removed it and all copies, then years later she and they re-uploaded it Oct 31 2016, to make her appear 20 in 2016, when she was 28 then, those pedophiles using photos of young girls as a large portion of their aliases]), also search this page for, “To go along with that account cover fraud” to see the subtle actions of their plotted weapon when in action. It is a very important part of this case to understand what an aspect of their non demo weapon would be like and they demoed that too, so all aspects of their weapon would obviously be in line with that type subtlety) added to them making age reversing projections to stretch out the appearance of life, demoed via Krystal their Big Shiny Planet partner. That is proven over and over by my civil case preparation) since this year she now runs a Grace Chapel cult plant at an elementary school in Knoxville, per their site, their plotted fabrication, where they purposely disassociate Krystal Hawkins from Krystal Meyers (same person) by their vague brief bio so Krystal Meyers can still pretend to be deceased, per their testing, her there for her cult to go the one place pedophiles like them would go. They are testing the waters, proving how bold their pedophilia can be. I don’t get into other people’s twisted business but am explaining their full sick plot as they used my name as one of their aliases and made me the only victim of their Internet fraud testing demo), Krystal of the damned like her damned pedophile father, who I have proof to sue into oblivion as well as well as her cult, consisting of her, Rick Meyers, Steve Berger and Alex Hawkins at a minimum of that cult; Rick Meyers who pretended embezzling with Bing’s (and Krystal’s) assistance, so the cult Grace Chapel could advertise embezzling from people as a part of their smorgasbord of services they offer against kidnapped and deceased people (Krystal playing kidnapped and her playing deceased). And that url regarding her age being an old url (Krystal playing a deceased person to assist them, not done by her and them to be against her own cult type or her cult ass would have been kidnapped and murdered by her cult and I would not care. And her script in her cult Big Shiny Planet skit shows her participating to make her appear 5 years younger than is true by her perfectly timed repetition of words for them to make their uploads possible to, in part, make a purposeful age fraud projection. Their other purpose for them to reference their sex tape story, by Krystal reading, in 2007 (2007 known because she said she was 19 when filmed, in their 2nd upload, uploaded on June 27, 2013, when she was actually 24. Her age of 19 placing the filming in 2007 known by knowing her birthatein 2007 (when filmed) them filming her reading a scripture saying “caught this woman in the act of adultery“, then on Aug 19, 2008 [see 8/19/08 on right of that page] they told their Jeremy Shum sex tape story, before they released their first Big Shiny Planet upload on Jun 30, 2010 (but as established, filmed in 2007), proving the cult Grace Chapel made up the sex tape story, as on Aug 19, 2008, no one else but them could have known Krystal said “caught this woman in the act of adultery”, (filmed in 2007) no one but them [and their Big Shiny Planet partner could have known] said by her and them to make it appear like their Jeremy Shum sex tape story was true (because her cult ass is a stand in demo drone acting out a process to be used against your non cult ass one day, your non cult ass who would not have done whatever it was. You lied to yourselves yesterday and pretended to believe I was defending her lying cult ass by me simply stating obvious frauds, not above your non cult heads, so quit pretending to be stupid) and to make Krystal by her and their Big Shiny Planet age fraud appear to have been 15 years old at the time of the cult Grace Chapel’s sex tape story, when their co-conspirator liar Krystal was actually 20. Their age fraud (when her lying ass was really 24) of her being 19 on Jun 27, 2013, would have made her 15 on Aug 19, 2008. See Big Shiny Planet section for the rest of my documentation, proving it was cut into two uploads to fabricate a 5 years younger age by them than was true, like the first upload delayed years from filming then it cuts off right before she says her age, but you don’t find that out till 3 years later and that one says her age, in 2007, but if you start the 2nd upload when the first one ended you miss that (they cut off 4.5 seconds from the beginning of their 2nd upload) so they can make it appear from the perspective of their first upload as if she never said her age. The cult Grace Chapel [including Krystal] and Big Shiny Planet are obviously a bunch of pedophiles. And that since it takes knowing Krystal’s actual birthdate of July 31, 1988 to prove their fraud and precisely, and that they frauded an age projection and that they are the only ones who could have fabricated a sex tape story with a so called Disney host of Jeremy Shum (only the Cult Grace Chapel and Krystal and their Big Shiny Planet partners knew in 2008 what scripture she quoted in 2007 to go with their sex tape story, as they did not release their 1st upload till Jun 30, 2010), if Jeremy Shum even exists, I don’t know, and since Krystal’s actual birthdate of July, 31, 1988 dates when she was 19 (old url when she was 30 in 2018, so now she is 34 in 2023 prior to July 31, 2023 when she will turn 35), the cult Grace Chapel (including Krystal) is the only logical source to have removed their co-conspirator Krystal’s birthdate from Wikipedia, since they are the only ones with motive to do so to fit their falsified Big Shiny Planet false age projection, that removal of her age done by them by their Wikipedia’s co-conspirator editors using a non sourced edit Krystal or Rick or Steve made by them to then lie and say birthdate was contested as absurd fraud cause to remove that bitches birthdate, when an edit of that nature would always otherwise have been reverted), and Krystal pretends to be diseased to work in conjunction with Steve Berger’s pretended belief of her cult, as I document, that being he pretends to believe deceased people speak from beyond the grave and pretends to believe his deceased son made appearances to people across America from beyond the grave (he was describing how his Internet fraud sites and aliases would appear to speak for deceased people, making them appear alive by those means, not planned to be used by them on their own cult type [that would okay with me if they took themselves out but they are obviously not going to], because their own cult type are unharmed trash. They made a demo of a weapon to be used against non cult people with their pretended belief of deceased people speaking and appearing in visions being a descriptor of what their weapon would appear to be able to do, as deceased people would “appear” online by old videos and photos and would “speak” by Steve Berger writing the words, like he did for his deceased son in his pretended belief. The deceased do not speak or appear. It’s a symbolic descriptor of their weapon, not made by them to be used on their own cult type), Steve Berger lying across the board by his made up story that Josiah got down on one knee from beyond the grave and whispered into the ear of a likely character he made up named Jim.The reason the cult Grace Chapel and Krystal, via their Big Shiny Planet, cut off the first upload right before their co-conspirator Krystal said her age (that upload two years after filming) and then uploaded the 2nd 3 years later with her saying he age at 2007 filming, was to make it obvious to non fools that they including Krystal were making a fraud age presentation, making the subject appear 5 years younger than true (Krystal in on it). Their weapon will not have the first upload, fools. That was done to prove to their future buyers of their actual Internet fraud weapon their fraud was intentional to hide and fraud ages and how they’d accomplish it being by what they did with the second upload alone, by uploading videos many, many years after filming, of future non cult people they would have set up (Krystal their cult person not set up, but just demoing their basic fraud plan in regards to making people kidnapped or murdered continue to appear to live by future uploads, which is why Krystal stopped speaking in 2010 any why Rick pretended to embezzle from her in 2014 an 2015, to pretend to be embezzling from a deceased person, for them to let their buyers know that they would / could / can actually do that, which is why Steve Berger pretends to believe the story he made up that deceased people speak from beyond the grave and appear to people across America, because all that, his bullshit, is describing how their fraud sites will appear to people via the Internet as they type words for deceased people to make them appear alive. So he is describing how his fraud sites will make covers for murders as Rick Meyers describes how / that they would embezzle from deceased people, Krystal, not deceased but pretending to be. Krystal not embezzled from by Rick Meyers but pretending to have been, per their Bing assisted racketeering web page titles (see that section below)). Their weapon will not be used against their own cult type, like Krystal.Just like their weapon will not have an archive of a tweeted from Twitter account (see that section below) like their demo from their cult actress does, or how could they show their future buyers without contacting them that there were ever tweets, if their was only the never tweeted fraud page provided by Twitter’s racketeering service? It gives a clear message that Twitter is by that promising to conspire in their future Internet fraud weapon’s plans also, but their weapon will not allow archives of their plotted victims accounts and only have the false front covering up past tweets of future non cult victims, like their Big Shiny Planet weapon future counterparts will not have that first upload (and use non cult victims not cult actors). They allowed an archive to prove their Twitter assisted fraud was intentional to hide past tweets, like they published their first Big Shiny Planet upload to show age fraud was intentional. Their weapon will not be used against their own cult type, like Krystal. And it does not just frauding ages and hiding tweets. Years later uploads from filming will give the appearance that non cult deceased people are alive, when they would not be, fools.How fraud title appeared after non e-sword domain was pointed to Rick’s site looked in Bing, fraudulently titled at search engine level (Krystal in on it), and how it would have looked otherwise without Bing changing the title at search engine level needs to be seen in conjunction with this screen recording (of screen recordings showing Rick’s e-Sword favicon proving it was his site showing in Bing, falsely titled at search engine level, being pointed to by Krystal’s domain (with her approval their conspirator) and see Wayback Machine proof Bing changed title at search engine level to go with screen recordings and screenshots of that: Move forward in the Wayback Machine, starting here. It begins with Krystal’s domain pointed to Rick’s site (with her approval as their co-conspirator) as you see Rick Meyers’ e-Sword favicon in your browsers’ tab proving it is Rick’s e-Sword site under the Krystal Meyers’ domain (with her permission but you’re not supposed to know that per their demo). Then it changes to show Krystal’s favicon as you move forward to the next date. That favicon shows because they and Krystal uploaded a copy of Rick’s site to a folder in Krystal Meyers’ web publishing space and they pointed that non www. domain to a copy of his site they published to her web space and Rick (and Krystal) manually archived it via the Wayback Machine. Another racketeering service provided them. Then they pointed the domain back to Rick’s e-Sword site and that is where it stayed 99.999% of the time. The other pointing of that domain was only done to get the copy of Rick’s site that they (and Krystal) put in Krystal’s web space in the Wayback Machine under that domain, periodically.Blatant fraud documented as being committed by Grace Chapel via Big Shiny Planet, proving they and Krystal obviously plotted to hide her age while they and Krystal also obviously plotted to make her appear to be 5 or so years younger than she is (and 9 years younger than is true, if you think her age statement is current), both which fits how on her current site that was made in 2008 the current site still says “new album in stores now” just like it did in 2008, so those pedophiles, including her, can pretend she is now 20, when that was her age in goddamn 2008 where their actions fit all the other ways they and she make her appear to be a kid, when Krystal Meyers is now 34 and she was born on July 31, 1988 and will be 35 on July 31, 2023 (and she goes by Krystal Hawkins since 2009. Same person); Krystal not their victim over that large span of time but me, as her sick ass pretends to be 5 years younger than she is, to even Rick and her and Steve making her appear to be currently 16, with another one of their goddamn 21 aliases. More on that topic, including other ways Grace Chapel makes Krystal appear to be a kid and documentation of some of their twisted shit, including their Jeremy Shum sex tape story they wrote so they and Krystal could make it appear like she made a sex tape at 15, because if you take that story of theirs and use their years later blantly fabricated age that they through Big Shiny Planet says she is, by their age lie she would have been 15 at their sex tape time, 5 years younger than she really was when they started their own rumor them touting and relishing their pedophile minds and them trying to convince pedophiles like them to buy their cover for kidnapping services (logically based on their frauds), as their racketeering services to produce covers would be available for their twisted pedophile passioned sick twisted cult people around the world. The passion of Grace Chapel is their pedophilia.Proof Wix is keeping sound from my case screen recordings and putting cross hatches on them (of 2008 video Krystal uploaded and removed for her to continue to pretend to be a kid because her upload to YouTube went to proving her actual age of 34, and not a kid, so she removed her YouTube upload. Here is Proof published a while ago proving Krystal turned 30 on July 31, 2018 and, Krystal Meyers is now 34 and she was born on July 31, 1988 and will be 35 on July 31, 2023 and she goes by Krystal Hawkins since 2009. Same person) And I really don’t case that Wix is doing that because I have another place for my case screen recordings and 30 minutes free Wix of videos would not do me any good anyhow.No one will be kidnapped, tied up, taken away and held for ransom by the cult Grace Chapel’s mechanism of racketeering produced frauds as covers (idiots). What will happen is people will be people tied up, taken away and sent into sex slavery and basic slavery for men if not murdered robbing men of their fortunes, and sex trafficking the women. Why not ramson? Because ransom does not fit their agenda or make them enough money plus then their an actual kidnapped person would have to be admitted by them to be such (too many problems for them). They provide covers for murders and kidnappings. Therefore, ransom is not up their alley. They currently provide their niche, to make people they assist to murder appear as if alive. So ransom is not their forte. They currently provide covers for women to be sex trafficked, so ransom is not their forte.Twitters racketeering promise to show how they will shut up non cult people that their racketeering partners want to appear to never have tweeted, demoed by their cult partner actress and co-conspirator, KrystalAnd Twitter, like Bing, assisted Krystal, Rick, Steve and Alex in pretending to make Krystal appear deceased as they provided that racketeering service to Grace Chapel , Twitter providing a false front (a racketeering service provided by them for Krystal and the cult Grace Chapel) over her Twitter account as if Krystal was deceased and never spoke bullshit, where with the not of the damned, her of the damned, against the non-damned, Twitter would shut up your pleas to not be murdered, fools (when there were stupid and FYI all adult tweets from that weapon’s testing account, they had to say something to prove something was there for their weapon’s partner, Twitter, to show their level of participation being at a minimum, to cover up tweets. Obviously for actual victims, Twitter would add a no archive tag [<meta name=”robots” content=”noarchive”>. And that does not work by simply writing that on a page. It has to be between the two head tags. And that’s HTML 101, that obviously Twitter knows. I’m not the one who provided the cult Grace Chapel Franklin TN the false front cover their co-conspirator’s account. Twitter did] so those no archives could obviously be made against actual victims and or whoever is over the cult Grace Chapel [they don’t have the combined intellect to do all they did] they would simply make sure no archives were made of those plotted actual victim’s pages by their racketeering. And if that’s what they choose and they have the necessary Wayback Machine contacts, it could technically already be going on), to make it look like Steve Berger did that via organized crime, as he did, but made to appear as if Krystal was his victim and that he wanted to shut up when she was in fact was his conspirator. The pretended shutting up of Krystal by Steve Berger fitting Steve Berger’s Supershine girl upload where as Krystal sings her scripted song, she disappears into Steve Berger as she sings the lines she gives all herself to you, made to appear as if Steve Berger set her up by his on screen cult church production, but Krystal was pretending Steve Berger set her up. In that same video of Steve’s he (and she) have her voice off sync to imply her voice was being removed from her, fitting their Twitter false front account, them pretending Steve removed her voice by that racketeering, when in reality Krystal was in on it and fitting them and her removing her Sep, 5,2008 Make Some Noise video from being sold (now gone), to make it look like that was a forced removal of her voice, but it was not (Krystal was a part of that removal of it to make her 35 year old ass appear as if a kid, which goes with all they shit they did to make her to appear to be a kid, when Krystal Meyers is now 34 and she was born on July 31, 1988 and will be 35 on July 31, 2023 and she goes by Krystal Hawkins since 2009. Same person). Everything they did online was to demo their racketeering capabilities that will obviously not be used on their own cult type, with only one victim of their demo, that being me.Also it appears likely that the cult Grace Chapel in Franklin, TN, is trying to supply pedophiles with kidnapped children, because they created an Internet racketeering cover to do that as they by their Big Shiny Planet upload made their co-conspirator Krystal appear 15 in 2009, when they said she was having sex with Disney host Jeremy Shum. They did their age reversing lie years after they wrote that story that they say they responded to, so they were obviously fully aware that story of theirs existed when by racketeering they tried to make her look 15 then, when her co-conspirator ass was really 20 at the time of their sex tape story. THEY embedded 152 numerology into their shit, not me. I’m just stating the facts. That numerology that goes with the May 21 Judgment Day shit they spent 100 million on.Their fraud is my business because those pedophiles want to pretend to people that I began speaking about their twisted lying daughter when she was 15 when that twisted liar was 20. I can’t simply not mention her stupid bimbo name when they and she made her their primary instrument of their entire racketeering produced demo. And the 21 and 521 shit was designed by them into their frauds. I hate that goddam numerology shit and all numerology is shown to be used by Grace Chapel in their videos and screen names and account names (even their co-conspirator daughter begins her behind the screen dancing at 12.2 seconds in her stupid Make Some Noise video. They removed all but their GodTube uploaded video, so I linked to one via Yandex search engine). All numerology is bullshit and stupidity and in this case, all produced by the cult Grace Chapel.And their GodTube upload (years after them removing it from Vimeo, where it originally was published) by their GodTube upload they pretend she was 19 in 2012, when she was 3 years older and you see how well they plot their numerology. See 5 years ago and their luckymann21 account (upload from the same account name they had attached to her MySpace account) as that numerology of theirs (my birthday; their numerology) lines up with their numerology bitches only commercial where obviously she sang a number, 54, which is my age now as I have to continue to show my case. They and she plotted her commercial and her singing to line up with the 521 in their GodTube upload. I think they plotted their execution of me to be this year. If so or if not, I have come to a more broad view, where that account is like a countdown clock, to show the numerology it does, that being a type of countdown clock, not much unlike the Genesys’ Judgment Day clock in Terminator (just giving a similar type context, though fiction, the cult Grace Chapel’s Judgment Day plot, not fiction), that aligning up of numbers in the cult Grace Chapel’s GodTube upload plotted to show when their Judgment Day weapon likely began, done over a large time span like they plotted and drew out over five years with 2 versions, their Big Shiny Planet upload, her and them making her look 15 when she was 20, in 2009. That it took them years to make that age fraud presentation and that it took them years for to in a short range from if not possibly on May 21, 2017, for their 521 to show up on their luckymann21 account, also shows that same large time in their fraud accounts to present their lies / plots. So its entirely possible that “GodTube” account of theirs was/is the countdown clock for their hidden weapon of Internet frauds to begin against more than just me, where those victims would most likely be in the shoes for which Krystal and Alex did their performances to audition their cult’s capabilities. But those people, not Alex and Krystal, they would not be of a cult and not cult actors but actually victims. And remember their May 21 Judgment Day shit, 100 million dollars spent by their group to point to all the cult Grace Chapel demoed racketeering capabilities to do. And what was that May 21 Judgment Day shit about? A rapture they kept purposely getting the wrong date for, when they knew all along they were pointing to May 21, 2017, to begin their rapture weapon, having nothing to do with the rapture but them saying that is when they will begin to make people disappear (be kidnapped and trafficked and most likely some murdered by who they sell their capabilities to) because Steve Berger made up a story (see next link on this page for documentation) that his deceased son got down on one knee whispered into the ear of a character they named Jim, and then they prayed for the aberration to reappear (which never appeared and they know it) then their lie goes on to say the deceased person made appearances across America, like fraud accounts would by their plan make appearances to make the deceased appear to be alive. So Steve was describing the mass murder capabilities of his weapon, or more precisely how the fraud accounts they would sell can cover up murders, which is why Krystal played deceased for 7 years for her to assist them in demoing their capabilities in covering up murder by their fraud sites and them speaking only by their aliases and fraud shared accounts.Their fraud rapture (their racketeering assisted Internet fraud weapon, when functional, if its not already started) being the end of the world as you know it, and you won’t feel fine. Everyone will hate everyone because fraud sites of the non cult abducted will say they hate their non cult family, so their family will discard them and hate them as the non cult abducted will be made to appear cultish, also. No one will trust anyone, so no one will do anything. Rick named his site e-Sword for that reason, that just a tool to obtain victims, but logically the name of their racketeering assisted Internet fraud weapon, so they could refer to it openly. Them meaning their plan is to divide believer from believer by frauds, where Christ meant dividing believer from the damned (spiritually lost people can be found. Christ’s “sword”, knowing Him the Truth, separates believers from the damned by believers just not associating with the damned, as much as possible. In the world but not of it.).Once the cult Grace Chapel’s network racketeering assisted Internet fraud weapon gains prowess among the damned (it is a hidden weapon that is in your face now in its mostly demo phase, easily seen but you can’t see it when told where to look, because you pretend to be fucking fools, so when its subtle you will never see it), thousands of the damned / the cult people would be enlisted to make fraud accounts, to progress their Internet fraud weapon to provided covers for millions of murders, thefts, abductions, etc of non cult people. With the cover of anonymity giving them their fraud powers. That I’m against, me the only person on the planet who has a simple civil case to begin to stop them, that I need funding for to begin. Easy as shit civil case to win. But that requires a rich man with balls to fund it, so I can hire and pay the best of God attorneys in the world and have a case winning infrastructure to obtain the billion or more this case will provide, to begin the downfall of their weapon by bankrupting the cult Grace Chapel, Krystal, Rick Steve Alex obviously also, and with the big companies that assisted them paying 300 million each they will make sure to not try it again, myself needing a million dollars (in non cop non security guard) funding for me to accomplish a civil case win against the cult Grace Chapel and their racketeering partners, because I wish to win.You’d think even movie studious would be banging at my door (a phrase since I’m fucking homeless, I don’t have a door but them emailing me) to loan me a million dollars for them to make a ten million dollar profit on that plus the money they would make from movies from this case (of which I’d get an agreed upon cut from) for them to make a docudrama about this case, a documentary about this case and a movie made in the right context for once from start to finish that could deal with the type facts of this case (not hit and miss type symbolic “all that exists possibilities” shit as they have to date, but show the reality of the possibilities of life as the winning of this case would provide them to be able to present).This not a movie because if it happens you’ll never know it. But its what the cult Grace Chapel (including Krystal) has planned.  That being non cult people are plotted by them to be kidnapped (they would disappear as if raptured by their May 21 Judgment day where the date and the 100 million they spent on that was advertising for their plans; as you know it obviously did not happen as a real rapture but their Internet fraud covers will make a fraud rapture / kidnappings be able to occur unnoticed every day as people would actually disappear but would not appear to have per the cult Grace Chapel’s Internet frauds) and those non cult victims of the the cult Grace Chapel are plotted by them to be murdered also (why Steve Berger pretends the deceased speak and appear from beyond the grave is he is referring to people their clients murdered would appear to still appear and speak by the cult Grace Chapel’s Internet frauds) but the non cult victims of the cult Grace Chapel would in both cases, kidnapped/trafficked or murdered, they would appear to be doing well, appearing as if being idiots know one likes for the fraud accounts the cult Grace Chapel would make/sell to make about them.